Tel: (01856) 875253
Whether you are a tenant, a sharing owner, an applicant or just a member of an Orkney Community there are a number of ways you could be involved with the work of Orkney Housing Association.
If you are interested in any of the opportunities listed, please contact your Housing Officer or email
Our Resident Panel helps us with decisions about how we deliver services. The Panel members decide which service areas they would like to examine and meet about 6 times a year to assess our performance in these chosen areas.
Training is provided to build skills, knowledge and confidence. The Panel has direct access to our staff to get a better understanding of how things are done and discuss how they could be improved. The Panel then provides feedback to our Management Team on their findings.
This Panel is an essential part of how we communicate with and understand the needs of our customers. It is open to any Tenant or Sharing Owner, new members are welcome any time and any expenses are covered.
Click here to view the agendas for our meetings
Click here to view the notes from previous meetings
The Register of interested tenants ensures that individuals are able to have their voice heard and are contacted when any relevant consultations are happening. The register contains contact details of those tenants that would like to be consulted. It is used regularly to consult with tenants over a variety of housing issues.
If you would like to find out more about any of the opportunities above contact your Housing Officer or email
The walkabouts look at all aspects of the estate's condition including gardens, roads & pathway issues, litter, and dog fouling in order to monitor and improve the appearance of your estates. Any issues identified are recorded and referred to the appropriate department for attention.
If you would like to find out more about when and where the walkabouts will take place please contact your Housing Officer or email
We are the only Registered Social Landlord in Orkney. General Members are those people who have purchased a £1 share in the Association. Anyone over 18 can apply to join (or over 16 if you are one of our tenants).
General Members can vote at our General Meetings and can have a say in who sits on our Management Committee.
General Members can join our Management Committee either by election at an Annual General Meeting or by invitation from the existing Committee.
Management Committee Members are responsible for deciding how the Association is to be run, agreeing aims and objectives and for ensuring the business is financially sound and operating to the required standards.
The Management Committee is not responsible for the day to day matters; these are delegated to the staff team.
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Charity Registered In Scotland: SC031734 | Registered with Scottish Housing Regulator: HAL 164 | Registered with the Financial Conduct Authority 2201 R(S)