Orkney Housing Association
Quality Affordable Homes for Orkney


Rent & Occupancy Charge Consultation 2023-24

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Your chance to let us know your views

In January 2022 the Association consulted with tenants and sharing owners on a three year process for rent and occupancy charges that led to a below inflation increase of 3.9% in April 2022. In years two and three we planned increases by inflation only using the Retail Price Index (RPI) rate in September.
However, we could not have predicted the significant increase in RPI and had we not chosen to consult you again it would have lead to an automatic rent increase of 12.6% on 1 April 2023.
We know that any rent increase will be unpopular however the costs to the Association of providing services and keeping neighbourhoods safe and tidy have gone up massively in the last year and are expected to keep rising.
At the same time, we know that many people are struggling with higher food, energy and general living costs. Tenants on low incomes are facing big challenges to afford even the essentials now and in the months ahead. In our Customer Satisfaction Survey in Autumn 2022 tenants indicated that rent affordability was one of their top priorities amidst the current cost of living crisis.
It is therefore especially critical that our consultation with you tries to find the right balance between rent affordability and the need to maintain our services and continue investing in our homes.
We have sent all tenant and sharing owner households a detailed leaflet and survey form setting out the three options, information is also available in the links below, outlining what services will be affected with each proposed increase. We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete the survey.
Please follow the links below to take part in the survey and you will be entered into a prize draw to win a cash prize of either £50 or £25.

The closing date for both surveys is 12pm on Monday 13 February 2023.

Rent Consultation Survey - https://forms.office.com/e/PPZjb36pSx

Occupancy Charge Survey - https://forms.office.com/e/CPe1uVb2qi

Related link: Rent & Occupancy Information Leaflets
